Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Greatest of These

I know this woman who is dying. I’ve watched her faith be shaken by what she doesn’t understand. I’ve watched the passing of time steal hope from her day by day. As things get more intense and complicated, I’ve wondered what can possibly make this better? The questions are unanswerable. The suffering is intolerable. No matter how kind or helpful or understanding I am, she will still die. What is left?
It’s amazing how the most difficult questions have the simplest answers. Faith and hope are failing, but “the greatest of these is love.”
OK. I can do that. I pray that it’s enough.

“But tears of grief cannot repay the debt of love I owe. Here, Lord, I give myself away, it’s all that I can do.” Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed.

Current Read: Unfinished Tales of Middle Earth, JRR Tolkien (it’s so good!)
Current Music: Blasphemous Rumors, Depeche Mode

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